Massachusetts e-MOLST Web Portal

New VIDEO. Introduction to MA e-MOLST Web Portal for Honoring Choices Partners. Share with your clinicians and care teams.

Tools & Resources to Use the Portal Start Proactive Planning Conversations & Document Care Choices
The MA e-MOLST Web Portal offers health care providers and seriously ill, high-risk, and frail adults an effective communication approach to engage in proactive care planning conversations and document patient care choices in MA planning documents.

The web portal provides easy access to Ariadne Labs Serious Illness Conversation Guides, an electronic MA MOLST form (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment), and links to complete a multi-lingual MA Health Care Proxy. The MA e-MOLST Web Portal is a joint pilot project of the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care, Ariadne Labs, and Honoring Choices Massachusetts with support from Vynca, Inc.

Clinicians and their care teams can:

Start a serious illness conversation and understand what matters most

Download Ariadne Labs Serious Illness Conversation Guides

Document patient care choices in a MA MOLST form

If the patient chooses, complete the e-MOLST form in the web portal (English only)

Alternatively, download and complete a multi-lingual MOLST form, and upload to the web portal

Help ensure adults have a Health Care Proxy. Simply ask: “Do you have a Health Care Agent?”

If yes, check that a valid, up to date Health Care Proxy is in the patient record

If no, download and complete a multi-lingual Honoring Choices Health Care Proxy

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