AHA’s Combating Violence in Our Communities and Our Hospitals

Our communities must work together to combat all forms of violence, now viewed as one of the major public health and safety issues throughout the country. Community action programs such as those being undertaken by our nation’s hospitals and health systems (alone and with others) are needed now more than ever to help address violence and the toll it takes on our communities and hospital colleagues.

Explore  AHA's Cost of Community Violence to Hospitals and Health Systems in this July 2017 Report   for information on national, state and local efforts to help end violence in our communities, and to help hospitals.


Job Opportunities

Job Seekers:

Find your next Massachusetts hospital or health care job on MAHospitalCareers.com! Sponsored by the Massachusetts Hospital Association, MAHospitalCareers.com helps you locate jobs in nursing, physical therapy, radiology, orthopedics and much more. Search for health care jobs, register for free emailed job alerts, research Massachusetts hospitals and learn about Massachusetts healthcare licensing and regulations. Best of all, everything is free for all health care professionals!

Massachusetts Hospitals:

Are you looking for qualified health care professionals for your Massachusetts hospital? MAHospitalCareers.com can help. As a service of Massachusetts Hospital Association, MAHospitalCareers.com connects thousands of nurses, doctors and other hospital job seekers with Massachusetts hospitals each year.

2019 MHA-ONL Nursing Survey Executive Summary

Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association


Organization of Nurse Leaders MA, RI, NH, CT, VT (ONL)

The MHA/ONL 2019 Survey on Hospital Nurse Staffing Issues in Massachusetts was conducted to assess the current hospital-based nursing marketplace in the Commonwealth. The questions were designed to elicit information on nursing staff vacancies, nurse recruiting experiences, workload Management, nursing staff turnover, and union representation of hospital nursing staff.

The survey was sent to acute, speciality, and non-acute hospitals.

45 acute care hospitals representing 71% of total acute care hospitals responded to the survey.
5 non-acute care hospitals representing 36% of total non-acute care hospital responded to the survey.

Click here to view the Executive Summary

Resources for Clinicians and Support Staff

Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) Activity & Antiviral Treatment of Patients with Influenza

In the United States (U.S.), influenza activity has increased significantly over recent weeks with influenza A(H3N2) viruses predominating so far this season. In the past, A(H3N2) virus-predominant influenza seasons have been associated with more hospitalizations and deaths in persons aged 65 years and older and young children compared to other age groups. In addition, influenza vaccine effectiven…» Full Article

Through the Eyes of the Workforce: Creating Joy, Meaning, & Safer Health Care

Workplace safety is inextricably linked to patient safety. Unless caregivers are given the protection, respect, and support they need, they are more likely to make errors, fail to follow safe practices, and not work well in teams. A new report from the Lucian Leape Institute looks at the current state of health care as a workplace, highlights vulnerabilities common in health care organizations, discusses the costs of inaction, and outlines what a healthy and safe workplace would look like. The report concludes with seven recommendations for actions that organizations need to pursue to effect real change.Read full report…

Scholarships & Educational Resources

Prime Scholarships Now Available

The Prime Scholarship is for students intending to pursue a career as a nurse upon graduation. The scholarship is open to applicants working toward a two year or four year college degree. Follow this link to see the site page and downloadable application.



New Nursing Request for Proposals (RFP) has Been Released

Check out on Department of Higher Education  website  on Monday, February 2nd for summary information.   The Nursing RFP focuses on a wide variety of topics relating to academic progression.


The MA Nursing Core Competencies:  A Toolkit for Implementation in Education and Practice

The purpose of this toolkit is to promote the integration of Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Compenentencies© (NOFNCC) in academic institutions and practice settings in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This toolkit has been organized in a format that is useful to both.  Read more...


The Creativity and Connections Report

The Creativity and Connections report of the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies published in 2010 which summarized the work of the NOF Competency Committee. In the report, the committee describes the process it used to identify NOF Nursing Core Competencies, presents the NOF Core Competency Model©, and defines the ten NOF Nursing Core Competencies and the knowledge, attitudes and skills associated with each.

A mission statement was written to guide the future work: Establish a formal coalition to create a seamless progression through all levels of nursing that is based on consensus competencies which include transitioning nurses into their practice settings.   Read more...

Workforce Grants Available - The Healthcare Workforce Transformation Fund

The Healthcare Workforce Transformation Fund Planning Grant is designed to provide applicants with funds to support planning to address workforce challenges that occur as a result of the requirements of implementing Chapter 224.

Among the many workforce-focused elements of Chapter 224, the law created the Healthcare Workforce Transformation Fund to, among other things:

  1. support the development and implementation of programs to enhance healthcare worker retention rates;
  2. address critical healthcare workforce shortages;
  3. improve employment in the healthcare industry for low-income individuals and low-wage workers;
  4. provide training, educational, or career ladder services for currently employed or unemployed healthcare workers who are seeking new positions or responsibilities within the healthcare industry;
  5. provide training or educational services for healthcare workers in emerging fields of care delivery models.

The fund, through the administration of the Commonwealth Corporation is now accepting proposals from eligible applicants, including hospitals.    Read more.....

2015 Application Cycle is Closed! Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program (NELRP) & Nursing Scholarship Program (NSP)

The NELRP & the NSP now fall under NURSE Corps: Caring for Communities in Need. While this name may be new, these are still the same great programs which have supported a community of nurses and nurse practitioners since 2002 who provide quality health care to underserved areas throughout the U.S. and its Territories.

Through the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program (formerly the Nursing Scholarship Program) and the NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program (formerly the Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program), NURSE Corps is empowering and enabling nurses to follow their passion for helping and healing others.

The NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program (LRP) offers Registered Nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses, such as Nurse Practitioners (NPs), an opportunity to repay 60 percent of their outstanding qualifying educational loans in exchange for a two-year service commitment at a Critical Shortage Facility (CSF). NURSE Corps LRP participants may receive additional loan repayment for a third year of service.

The NURSE Corps LRP is adapting to the increasing demand for NPs by reserving up to half of the award funding for NPs; the remaining funding will continue to support RNs and nurse faculty. If there are more qualified applicants than available funding, applications will be prioritized based upon the level of financial need of the applicant and the community that the CSF serves.  Read more...

HHS Announces New Faculty Loan Repayment Program

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced this week the establishment of the new Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP). The program provides nurses interested in teaching with loan repayments to serve as a faculty member in an accredited and eligible health professions school. FLRP participants contribute to the HRSA's Bureau of Clinician Recruitment and Service's goal of increasing the recruitment and retention of health professions faculty. Eligible participants can receive as much as $40,000 towards repayment of their student loans in exchange for participating in future educational programming.


Influenza Immunization

MHA strongly supports the goals of having a healthy workforce, which includes providing the necessary immunizations to ensure that our staff and our patients are protected.

We strongly support mandatory flu vaccination for all healthcare providers.  Healthcare providers are the front-line stewards of public health and we believe that our commitment to safe patient care should carry the day in convincing staff to obtain the flu shot.

In addition, we commend the MA Department of Public Health for continuing to advance this important goal - to reach a goal of immunizing at least 90% of a healthcare facility's workforce against influenza.  It is important that healthcare providers continue to learn from others, to find common solutions and best practices that can work in other healthcare facilities.

We encourage providers to review the following resources to promote vaccination of their healthcare workers:

DPH Flu Vaccine for Everyone!  A Guide to Reaching and Engaging Diverse Communities

CDC Strategies for Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates

Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) Activity & Antiviral Treatment of Patients with Influenza

In the United States (U.S.), influenza activity has increased significantly over recent weeks with influenza A(H3N2) viruses predominating so far this season. In the past, A(H3N2) virus-predominant influenza seasons have been associated with more hospitalizations and deaths in persons aged 65 years and older and young children compared to other age groups. In addition, influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) in general has been lower against A(H3N2) viruses than against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 or influenza B viruses. Last season, VE against circulating influenza A(H3N2) viruses was estimated to be 32% in the U.S.

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