American Nurses Association, ANA’s Principles for Nurse Staffing, 3rd Edition

ANA’s Principles for Nurse Staffing, 3rd Edition will guide nurses and other decision-makers in identifying and developing the processes and policies needed to improve nurse staffing at every practice level and in any practice setting.

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American Hospital Association, Trend Watch: Hospital and Health System Workforce Strategic Planning

TrendWatch is intended to highlight emerging trends in workforce, as well as outline key strategies and tools to embrace new opportunities and address challenges. Although there are challenges, there also are opportunities to improve care, motivate and re-skill staff, and modernize processes and business models that reflect the shift toward providing the right care, at the right time, in the right setting.

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American Hospital Association, 2021 Health Care Talent Scan

The 2021 Health Care Talent Scan can help hospitals better understand the latest forces and trends affecting health care human resources. Based on a review of reports, studies and other data sources from leading organizations and researchers, it provides workforce insights you can use to guide your organization forward during this time of uncertainty and continued transformation.

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The Joint Commission, Developing Resilience to Combat Nurse Burnout

As the frontline caregivers in health care today, nurses accomplish a myriad of tasks and responsibilities, but often at high personal cost. The need to juggle competing priorities in often high-stress situations can result in feeling overwhelmed or burnout.

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New England Journal of Medicine, Preventing a Parallel Pandemic — A National Strategy to Protect Clinicians’ Well-Being

“We have a brief window of opportunity to get ahead of two pandemics, the spread of the virus today and the harm to clinician well-being tomorrow. If we fail, we will pay the price for years to come. In the race to respond to the Covid-19 crisis, we must not neglect to care for those who care for us.”

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New England Journal of Medicine, Beyond Burnout — Redesigning Care to Restore Meaning and Sanity for Physicians

High burnout rates among physicians are taking a high financial and human toll. Burnout can undermine a physician’s sense of purpose and altruism and lead to substance use, depression, and suicidality. Some medical organizations are starting to tackle the challenge.

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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine, Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being

This report explores the extent, consequences, and contributing factors of clinician burnout and provides a framework for a systems approach to clinician burnout and professional well-being, a research agenda to advance clinician well-being, and recommendations for the field.

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