National Academy of Medicine, Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience

In 2017, the National Academy of Medicine launched the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, a network of more than 200 organizations committed to reversing trends in clinician burnout.

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Massachusetts Medical Society, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Medical Society’s Medical Student and Residency Burnout Roundtable

This Roundtable served as an information exchange intended to build and strengthen collaborations across Massachusetts academically affiliated medical institutions and schools and to advocate for the aforementioned stakeholder engagement priorities.

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Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association, Massachusetts Medical Society, Reliant Medical Group, Changing the EHR from a Liability to an Asset to Reduce Physician Burnout

The MMS-MHA Joint Task Force on Physician Burnout listened to Reliant’ s Medical Director for Informatics Dr. Larry Garber explain how his team optimized their EHR to improve physician usability. This report lists of EHR-optimization techniques Dr. Garber shared with the task force, which we would urge our members to consider for implementation.

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Journal of the American Medical Association, Understanding & Addressing Sources of Anxiety Among Health Care Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This Viewpoint summarizes key considerations for supporting the health care workforce so health care professionals are equipped to provide care for their patients and communities. Few of these considerations and suggestions have substantial evidence to support them; they are based on experience, direct requests from health care professionals, and common sense.

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Cigna, Creating a Workplace Wellness Committee: A Toolkit for Employers

Workplace wellness programs offer ways to help people get healthy and stay healthy. Implementing a comprehensive workplace wellness program is an excellent way to help individuals practice healthy lifestyles and change unhealthy habits to reduce their risks of developing high-cost health problems. This toolkit has helpful tips, tools and resources you can use to recruit, organize and manage an effective in-house wellness committee that drives results.

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BMJ Quality & Safety, Work-Life Balance Behaviors Cluster in Work Settings & Relate to Burnout & Safety Culture: a Cross-Sectional Survey Analysis

Healthcare is approaching a tipping point as burnout and dissatisfaction with work-life integration (WLI) in healthcare workers continue to increase. A scale evaluating common behaviors as actionable examples of WLI was introduced to measure work-life balance. This is an open-access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

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American Organization for Nurse Leadership, Leading Through Crisis: A Resource Compendium for Nurse Leaders

To help you lead confidently during times of crisis, AONL has developed a growing compendium of leadership resources to support you in caring for yourself and your team. Read, listen and engage in brief exercises for practical insights and effective strategies for coping, staying centered, building resilience and leading with integrity amidst challenging circumstances.

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American Hospital Association, Well-being Playbook 2.0: A Guide for Hospital and Health System Leaders

This AHA document is a playbook on well-being tailored specifically for health system leaders to address burnout in their organizations. It contains seven key steps for success and provides real-world case examples of successful interventions deployed in various health system settings to illustrate the steps.

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Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association, Massachusetts Medical Society, A Crisis in Health Care: A Call to Action on Physician Burnout

Physician burnout — a condition in which physicians lose satisfaction and a sense of efficacy in their work — has become widespread in our profession, driven by rapid changes in health care and our professional environment. Driven by experience and the mountainous body of evidence on the causes and impacts of physician burnout, this report is a call to action to begin to turn the tide before the consequences grow still more severe.

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MHA Hospital Wellness Toolkit

Many hospitals, health systems, and physician practices currently have what can be termed generally as “wellness” programs – that is, initiatives that attempt to create a healthier and happier workforce that will, in turn, help healthcare workers be better able to handle the stresses of their jobs and provide improved care to the patients they serve. Other facilities may be on the path to developing such programs or are hoping to revitalize the wellness programs they already have in place.

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