Click here to see MHA's Upcoming Programs & Events
Rhode Island Department of Health & Healthcentric Advisors are offering a FREE, web-based course on Statistical & Epidemiologic Concepts for Infection Prevention
This free, web-based course will increase knowledge & improve understanding of statistical & epidemiologic concepts & best practices, provide introductory lessons in statistics & epidemiology related to infection prevention & assist in the interpretation of facility-level data reports.
Current Modules Include:
- Introduction to Statistics
- Mean, Median and Mode
- Standard Deviation and Range
Future models will cover Interpreting Infection Prevention Measures along with using Microsoft Excel to collect and analyze your data. The flyer provide more information about this exciting opportunity. Anyone interested can access this series on our Learning Center
Building Workforce Resilience at the Individual and Organizational Levels
Read the case study from Houston Methodist.
»Full ArticleRoundtable Discussion: Caring for the Healthcare Workforce
A roundtable discussion on effective ways to care for and improve the well-being of the health care workforce.
»Full ArticleANA Rolls out New Nurse Burnout Prevention Program
The American Nurses Association has partnered with SE Healthcare to provide its members with free access to the program.
»Full ArticleAHA: “Expanding the Reach” Workforce Strategies Guide
New section focuses on hiring veterans, professional governance models, and academic-practice partnerships.
»Full ArticleANA & AONL: Models of Care Insight Study
The study is intended to "probe and validate the current demand for change, the support of various roles and programs, and the gap between leadership and the frontline."
»Full ArticleMHA Publishes Compendium of Care Innovations & Strategies
These approaches work in tandem with broader workforce development efforts, and allow healthcare professionals to provide safe, high-quality, and empowered care.
»Full ArticleAONL: Nursing Leadership Workforce Compendium
In alignment with AONL's strategic initiatives, the AONL Workforce Committee and subcommittees identified best practices and innovations to help strategize and manage the complexities of the nursing workforce.
»Full ArticleAONL’s Releases Third Section of its Workforce Compendium
This section focuses on academic-practice partnerships, culture of inquiry, and total rewards.
»Full ArticleStory: Hospitals align care with new state requirements for patients with dementia
The unique safety and care needs of geriatric patients are receiving increased attention in hospitals, due in part to new state requirements for identifying patients with dementia and optimizing their care.
»Full ArticleMHA Launches New Workforce Toolkit
Building on the success of our Workforce Summit, MHA developed an interactive toolkit to share just a few of the best and emerging practices to address current workforce challenges.
»Full ArticleAHA Releases “Building the Team” Workforce Strategies Guide
The AHA in September 2022 released the third and final section of its workforce strategies guide designed to help hospital and health system leaders navigate workforce challenges and opportunities. Today’s section focuses on recruitment and retention, diversity and inclusion, and creative staffing models. The guide, which was informed by the AHA Board of Trustees’ Task Force on W...» Full ArticleCaring for the Caregiver: Webinar Series, Safety – Session 2
Recorded webinar available here... ...» Full ArticleNAM launches AHA-supported resource compendium for health care worker well-being
NAM launches AHA-supported resource compendium for health care worker well-being. The National Academy of Medicine today launched Resource Compendium for Health Care Worker Well-Being, which highlights tools that are ready to be deployed and strategies to address systems issues related to health care workers’ burnout. The compendium, which is a product of the Action Collaborative on Clinician W...» Full ArticleNational Academy of Medicine, Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience
The recording, presentations, and chats are now available from the recent meeting on Clinician Retention in the Era of COVID: Uniting the Health Workforce to Optimize Well-Being, which aimed to learn from those who have developed pathways forward with well-being as the key. Read more ...» Full ArticleStrengthening the Healthcare Workforce
The American Hospital Association’s Task Force on Workforce has released a new resource to help hospitals navigate workforce challenges and opportunities, as well as highlight strategies, resources, and case studies to assist on these pivotal efforts. Included in this resource is Section 1 focusing on Support the Team through addressing wellbeing, support behavioral health, and workplace violen...» Full ArticleVentilator Webinar Ventilator Management Essential Skills for Non-ICU Nurses – FREE
Registration is FREE for both ANA members and non-members. You may soon be faced with one of the most challenging aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic: The need for nurses with little or no critical care experience being called on to be part of a team caring for severely ill COVID-19 patients, many of whom must be on a ventilator to survive. A FREE, On-Demand Series for ALL Nurses - Part of the AN...» Full ArticleThe Vohra Wound Care Scholarship for Nursing Education and Nursing Certifications
Vohra Wound Physicians will select one scholarship recipient to receive a $1000 cash scholarship, plus free tuition for Vohra’s Wound Care Certification course, valued at $650. The next Vohra Wound Care Scholarship for Nursing Education and Nursing Certifications recipient will be announced on 12/31/20. Whether you’re a nursing student at the beginning of your career or a seasoned pra...» Full ArticleSuicide Prevention Resources for Clinicians & Patients
Medical professionals care. They also experience higher rates of burnout and depressive symptoms than the general population. In fact, suicide is estimated to be the second leading cause of death for medical residents, and American doctors take their lives at twice the rate of the general population. Samaritans, Inc. is here for you – and for your patients. The mission of Samaritans is t...» Full ArticleFree CME-Credit Webinars on Contraceptive Choice
Interested hospital-affiliated clinicians are invited to participate in one or more free, CME-credit-bearing webinars sponsored by Partners in Contraceptive Choice and Knowledge (PICCK). PICCK is the state-funded clinical and public health program designed to promote contraceptive choice and effective contraceptive counseling in Massachusetts. Enacted in partnership with the state’s birth h...» Full ArticlePathways to Safe Patient Handling in the Modern Hospital Setting
Please join us for free all-day Safe patients are healthy patients conference. #MAHealthcare professionals, on Friday, September 20, hosted by the Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts Nurses Association. The program will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at MHA Conference Center, 500 District Ave., Burlingt...» Full ArticleFree Buprenorphine X-Waiver Training
The most recent opioid law, Chapter 208 of the Acts of 2018, requires acute care hospital emergency departments to have the capacity to initiate opioid agonist treatment, including buprenorphine. To aid hospitals in implementing this policy, Boston Medical Center Office Based Addiction Treatment Training and Technical assistance (BMC OBAT TTA) offers free addiction trainings across Massachusetts ...» Full ArticleHealthcare Safety Summit, on Tuesday, December 4th — 8 am – to 3 pm
On behalf of MHA’s Statewide Quality Forum Steering Committee, Workplace Violence Prevention and Planning Workgroup, and the Promoting Employee Wellbeing Committee, please join us for an all-day Healthcare Safety Summit, on Tuesday, December 4 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at MHA, 500 District Ave., Burlington, Mass. We encourage health organizations to bring your teams! As of today, the summit wi...» Full ArticleTJC Complimentary Webinar — Establishing an Opioid Stewardship Program in Your Health System
On Wednesday, October 10th -- 12:00 - 1:00pm The Joint Commission will host a complimentary webinar that will feature speakers Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone, of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, and Dr. Scott Weiner, of Brigham and Women's Hospital. They will share their experiences with setting up programs to encourage safe prescribing of opioids and reducing opioid-related deaths. Rea...» Full ArticleIntroducing Job Stress: A Continuing Education Program for Today’s Nurse
CPH-NEW is a NIOSH Total Worker HealthTM Center for Excellence. This program was supported by NIOSH Grant Number U19-OH008857.A free online continuing education program on causes, impacts, and prevention strategies to deal with job stress.The online program consists of 4 modules to educate nurses on the latest research on job stress concepts, stressors in the healthcare workplace, the impact...» Full ArticleErgonomics Program Builds on Hospital Improvement Efforts
The Center for Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPH-NEW) has released an online continuing education program to help nurses prevent musculoskeletal injuries in the clinical care setting. The new online education program, developed by CPH‐NEW occupational ergonomics experts and faculty at the Solomont School of Nursing at UMass Lowell, offers 10 essential components of an effect...» Full ArticleWELCOA’s Seven Benchmarks – Overview & Introduction Worksite Wellness- FREE Webinar
On Wednesday, July 11, 2018 -- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) is offering a free webinar: Evolving Employee Wellness Programs. Engaging team members in worksite wellness programs can be difficult. WELCOA is committed to helping you reframe your strategies and give you the tools necessary to build world-class wellness programs As a central part of WELCOA's Well Workp...» Full ArticleHealthcentric Advisors – No Cost Learning Center
Healthcentric Advisors would like to invite you to visit The Learning Center, our no cost virtual online learning system, with an Introduction to Statistics and Epidemiology in Infection Prevention. Through this interactive and self-paced module, you will learn about statistical and epidemiological methods that are used in infection prevention and control. New courses will also cover interpreting ...» Full ArticleED Visits After Inpatient Discharge in MA – Recording 11-15-17 Webinar
In July 2017, Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) released this report on ED visits after inpatient discharge. The analysis provided a broad look at the patients who return to the ED, whether or not they are readmitted to the inpatient level of care. These “revisits” to the ED may represent an opportunity to prevent a hospital readmission or may be avoidable. Following the rel...» Full ArticleIHI’s Free Audio Program – Workplace Violence in Health Care Can’t Be the Norm
August 10, 2017, 2:00 PM ET Pat Folcarelli, RN, PhD, Interim Vice President, Silverman Institute for Health Care Quality and Safety, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) Marsha Mauer, RN, MS, Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President, BIDMC Christopher Casey, Director of Security Services, BIDMC Session Details Violence against medical staff is on the rise in the US....» Full ArticleLeveraging Data Reports Webinar Series – Recordings Now Available
The Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA), Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors, and New England QIN QIO have partnered up to offer a webinar series on leveraging data reports to drive quality Improvement. CHIA’s and New England QIN-QIOs Readmission Reports Methodology is available here... Our 1st Session fo...» Full ArticleTranslate »